Bruce's Blog: Art That Inspires Me
You opened this thinking that you’d find famous paintings and fabulous sculptures, didn’t you? This may have left you musing: “Bruce, that’s a picture of a cat napping, not a picture of art.” And that’s where you would be wrong, silly human. Napping IS art
Cats, like my superior self, have a strong tendency to lay down and fall asleep wherever we deem fit, whether it be on a chair, in a bed, or in a warm lap. These are, of course, some basic examples. I’m not going to give away my best secrets so quickly. I have years of napping experience, so my greatest napping feats would simply blow the mind of a beginner like yourself.
All this talk of napping has inspired me to nap even more. After all, a picture is worth a thousand meows.
Follow the adventures of Bruce on Instagram: @bruce_the_office_cat
Quiet Please Nap Time Plastic Door Knob Hanger Sign Dreaming of Kittens - Cat Blue Gray and White Cat Pet Glossy Laminated Bookmarks - Set of 3