Bruce's Blog: Dogs. Why?

Oct 07, 2016

The Universe has given birth to many beautiful things; take cats, just as a perfect example. One thing that this world can do without, though, is dogs. Although they appear to be all cute and cuddly, they are simply a bunch of attention-seeking pooping machines. Granted, yes, I know that I’m guilty of also being a cute and cuddly attention-seeking pooping machine, but us cats do it with style.

The fact of the matter is, cats just aren’t as attached to their humans as dogs are. Cats can go days without so much as acknowledging their humans unless they’re getting food. Dogs, however, need attention every moment of every day. Isn’t that exhausting? Cats are so much easier to manage. Just give us food, occasional belly rubs, and a comfy place to sleep (blankets!), and we’re set.

Cats rule and dogs drool. (Very literally.) Ok, I drool too. So what!?

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Follow the adventures of Bruce on Instagram: @bruce_the_office_cat