Bruce's Blog: Friends
Being the only feline occupant in the office can be a tough job. I may not have any feline companions, but I suppose I’m too cute to share the attention around here anyway. I do have some good human friends here at the office, but I have a more-tethered relationship with my mice toys. They taunt me a lot, but it’s all in good fun.
Boris the Owl is my other friend, but he likes to fly away from me where I can’t reach. I can’t fly after him, so it doesn’t seem very fair to me. I can jump pretty high, but that’s about it.
I couldn’t make it without all of the friendships in my life. My friends are my rock. My substance. My weak spot. Just kidding. I don’t have a weak spot.
Follow the adventures of Bruce on Instagram: @bruce_the_office_cat
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