Cutest Pet Contest

Apr 25, 2016
Starting May 2, 2016, Graphics and More is rolling out our first giveaway contest!
Visit our Facebook page to submit your favorite pet picture and enter our contest! The top three winners will receive their very own custom set of our best selling luggage tags with their pet’s picture on them. 
It’s simple:
Do you think you have the cutest pet? Enjoy winning free things?
Message Bruce on facebook with a photo of your cute pet!
All of the pet photos we receive will be combined into an album.
To vote for a cute pet, "like" your favorite pet picture. The pet with the most "likes" wins!
Share the photo album with your friends to get more votes on your picture
Find out more below, and to view the official terms and conditions please, visit this page.
Posted By: Karenna Pullen